Identifying duplicate datasets in OBIS

This notebook tries to identify duplicate datasets in the OBIS system. This is done by aggregating datasets by geohash, species, and year, and calculating cosine similarities between datasets. Skip to results here.




Fetch occurrences from S3

This fetches just the necessary columns from the OBIS export on S3.

space <- S3FileSystem$create(
  anonymous = TRUE,
  scheme = "https",
  endpoint_override = ""

occ <- open_dataset(space$path("obis-datasets/exports/obis_20220208.parquet")) %>%
  select(dataset_id, decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude, AphiaID, year = date_year) %>%

Aggregate datasets by geohash, species, and year

stats <- occ %>%
  filter(! & decimalLatitude < 90 & decimalLongitude < 180) %>%
  mutate(geohash = gh_encode(decimalLatitude, decimalLongitude, 2)) %>%
  mutate(cell = factor(paste(geohash, AphiaID, year, sep = "_"))) %>%
  group_by(dataset_id, cell) %>%
  summarize(records = n())

Generate vectors and calculate similarity

First generate vectors by dataset and store as sparseVector.

n_cells <- length(levels(stats$cell))
dataset_ids <- unique(stats$dataset_id)

vectors <- list()

for (id in dataset_ids) {
  vector <- rep(0, n_cells)
  dataset <- stats %>%
    filter(dataset_id == id)
  for (i in 1:nrow(dataset)) {
    vector[as.numeric(dataset$cell[i])] <- dataset$records[i]
  vectors[[id]] <- as(vector, "sparseVector")

Calculate similarities using parallelization and write the results to a text file.

write("x y similarity", file = "similarity.txt", append = FALSE)

parallel::mclapply(1:length(dataset_ids), function(i) {
  dataset_x <- dataset_ids[i]
  x <- as.vector(vectors[[dataset_x]])
  for (j in (i + 1):length(dataset_ids)) {
    dataset_y <- dataset_ids[j]
    y <- as.vector(vectors[[dataset_y]])
    similarity <- coop::cosine(x, y)
    line <- paste(dataset_x, dataset_y, format(similarity, scientific = FALSE))
    write(line, file = "similarity.txt", append = TRUE)
}, mc.cores = 6)

Plot the similarities to get an idea of the distribution.

similarity <- fread("similarity.txt", sep = " ", header = TRUE)

Create a shortlist of suspect dataset pairs.

datasets <- robis::dataset() %>%
  tidyr::unnest(statistics) %>%
  select(id, url, title, records = Occurrence)

suspect <- similarity %>%
  filter(similarity > 0.85) %>%
  left_join(datasets, by = c("x" = "id")) %>%
  left_join(datasets, by = c("y" = "id"), suffix = c("_x", "_y")) %>%
  arrange(desc(similarity), desc(records_x + records_y)) %>%

## # A tibble: 426 × 9
##    x      y      similarity url_x   title_x  records_x url_y  title_y  records_y
##    <chr>  <chr>       <dbl> <chr>   <chr>        <int> <chr>  <chr>        <int>
##  1 3851d… fdfb2…          1 http:/… Movemen…    156333 http:… Movemen…         4
##  2 01f35… bad2f…          1 http:/… Movemen…    143568 http:… Movemen…         2
##  3 3e0cb… d9a55…          1 http:/… Phytopl…     25736 http:… Phytopl…     25736
##  4 54bf1… a4d4e…          1 https:… Whale c…      7122 http:… Whale c…      7122
##  5 7d610… f98b4…          1 https:… Snow Pe…      7139 http:… Snow Pe…      6697
##  6 2c261… e3ab9…          1 http:/… SPF Mar…      4609 http:… SPF Mar…      9218
##  7 c2d77… e3009…          1 http:/… Macro- …      6402 http:… Macro- …      6402
##  8 6c853… f6638…          1 https:… Macquar…      5771 http:… Macquar…      5771
##  9 33dc2… 4b273…          1 http:/… Snow Pe…      5588 https… Snow Pe…      5588
## 10 08fb2… 40e33…          1 http:/… Nest ce…      5056 https… Nest ce…      5056
## # … with 416 more rows


suspect %>%
    title = glue("<a href=\"{x}\" target=\"_blank\">{title_x}</a><br/><br/><a href=\"{y}\" target=\"_blank\">{title_y}</a>"),
    url = glue("<a href=\"{url_x}\" target=\"_blank\">{url_x}</a><br/><br/><a href=\"{url_y}\" target=\"_blank\">{url_y}</a>"),
    records = glue("{records_x}<br/><br/>{records_y}")) %>%
  select(similarity, title, url, records) %>%
  reactable(columns = list(similarity = colDef(width = 100), title = colDef(html = TRUE), url = colDef(html = TRUE), records = colDef(html = TRUE, width = 100)), pagination = FALSE)