Source code for pyobis.occurrences.occurrences

/occurrences/ API endpoints as documented on

import json
import warnings
from time import time
from urllib.parse import urlencode

import pandas as pd
import requests

from ..obisutils import (

[docs] class OccResponse: """ An OBIS Occurrence response class """ def __init__(self, url, args, isSearch, hasMapper, isKML): """ Initialise the object parameters """ = None self.api_url = build_api_url(url, args) self.mapper_url = None if hasMapper: if not args["taxonid"] and args["scientificname"]: args["taxonid"] = lookup_taxon(args["scientificname"])[0]["id"] self.mapper_url = ( "" + "?" + urlencode( {k: v for k, v in args.items() if v is not None}, ) ) # private members self.__args = args self.__url = url self.__isSearch = isSearch self.__isKML = isKML # fetch the total length of records if not self.__isKML: starting_time = time() self.__out_head_record = obis_GET( self.__url, {**self.__args, **{"size": 1}}, "application/json; charset=utf-8", ) ending_time = time() if "total" in self.__out_head_record: self.__total_records = ( self.__out_head_record["total"] if "size" not in self.__args or not self.__args["size"] else self.__args["size"] ) # a simple calculation gives us the total expected time # nearly for all requests of size 1, the server takes up 99.5% of the time # to respond, and it takes only 0.5% of the time for network download. So # the total time can be estimated easily although this might not be accurate # for larger than 100k records, because the network download takes # even smaller fraction of the total round-trip time f"{self.__total_records} to be fetched. Estimated time =" f"{(ending_time - starting_time) * 0.995}" f"{(ending_time - starting_time) * 0.005 * self.__total_records:.0f} " "seconds", ) def execute(self, **kwargs): """ Execute or fetch the data based on the query """ if not self.__isSearch and not self.__isKML: out = obis_GET( self.__url, self.__args, "application/json; charset=utf-8", **kwargs, ) = out elif self.__isKML: out = requests.get(self.__url, params=self.__args, **kwargs) out.raise_for_status() out = out.content = out elif self.__isSearch: # setting default parameters from arguments list mof = self.__args["mof"] size = self.__args["size"] size = ( self.__total_records if not size else size ) # if the user has set some size or else we fetch all the records outdf = pd.DataFrame( columns=pd.DataFrame(self.__out_head_record["results"]).columns, ) for i in range(10000, size + 1, 10000): # if there is no 'id' then there should be no pagination if "id" not in outdf.columns: break self.__args["size"] = 10000 "{}[{}{}] {}/{}".format( "Fetching: ", "█" * int((i - 1) * 100 / size), "." * (100 - int((i + 1) * 100 / size)), i, size, ), ) res = obis_GET( self.__url, self.__args, "application/json; charset=utf-8", **kwargs, ) outdf = pd.concat( [ outdf if len(outdf) else None, pd.DataFrame(res["results"]).infer_objects(), ], ignore_index=True, ) # make sure that we set the `after` parameter when fetching subsequent records self.__args["after"] = outdf["id"].iloc[-1] self.__args["size"] = size % 10000 # we have already fetched records as a set of 5000 records each time, # now we need to get remaining records from the total "{}[{}{}] {}/{}".format( "Fetching: ", "\u2588" * 100, "." * 0, size, size, ), ) res = obis_GET( self.__url, self.__args, "application/json; charset=utf-8", **kwargs, ) outdf = pd.concat( [ outdf if len(outdf) else None, pd.DataFrame(res["results"]).infer_objects(), ], ignore_index=True, )"Fetched {size} records.") if mof and self.__total_records > 0: mofNormalized = pd.json_normalize( json.loads(outdf.to_json(orient="records")), "mof", ["id"], ) merged = pd.merge( outdf, mofNormalized, on="id", how="inner", ) = {"total": len(merged), "results": merged} # set the data as [total, results] K-V pair # but still return the DataFrame since changing this # will impact existing usage, and be a breaking change return["results"] = {"total": len(outdf), "results": outdf} # again for not MeasurementOrFacts results, (simple search queries) # should also return the DataFrame directly for backward compatibility return["results"] return def to_pandas(self): """ Convert the results into a pandas DataFrame """ # if the data format of the query executed cannot be converted to a # pandas.DataFrame which is true for other formats like .mvt or kml (not geojson) # then we should be raising a not implemented rather relying around exceptions # from pandas while converting if self.__isKML: raise NotImplementedError( "to_pandas method is not yet available for these query types.", ) return pd.DataFrame(["results"])
[docs] def get(id, **kwargs): """ Get an OBIS occurrence :param id: [Fixnum] An obis occurrence identifier. It is returned in the 'id' field with :return: A dictionary Usage:: from pyobis import occurrences q1 = occurrences.get(id = '00003cf7-f2fc-4c53-98a6-7d846e70f5d1') q1.execute() # get the data q1.api_url # get the API url """ url = obis_baseurl + "occurrence/" + str(id) args = {} return OccResponse( url, {**args, **kwargs}, isSearch=False, hasMapper=False, isKML=False, )
[docs] def grid( precision, geojson=True, scientificname=None, taxonid=None, datasetid=None, nodeid=None, startdate=None, enddate=None, startdepth=None, enddepth=None, geometry=None, redlist=None, hab=None, wrims=None, event=None, flags=None, exclude=None, **kwargs, ): """ Fetch gridded occurrences as GeoJSON or KML. :param precision: [integer] Geohash precision. :param scientificname: [string] Scientific name. Leave empty to include all taxa. :param taxonid: [string] Taxon AphiaID. :param datasetid: [string] Dataset UUID. :param nodeid: [string] Node UUID. :param startdate: [string] Start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. :param enddate: [string] End date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. :param startdepth: [integer] Start depth, in meters. Depth below sea level are treated as positive numbers. :param enddepth: [integer] End depth, in meters. Depth below sea level are treated as positive numbers. :param geometry: [string] Geometry, formatted as WKT or GeoHash. :param redlist: [boolean] Red List species only, True/False. :param hab: [boolean] HAB species only, true/false. :param wrims: [boolean] WRiMS species only, True/False. :param event: [string] Include pure event records (include) or get pure event records exclusively (true). :param flags: [string] Comma separated list of required quality flags. :param exclude: [string] Comma separated list of quality flags to be excluded. :return: A dictionary Usage:: from pyobis import occurrences occurrences.grid(100, True) // returns in GeoJSON format occurrences.grid(1000, False) // returns in KML format """ url = obis_baseurl + "occurrence/grid/" + str(precision) scientificname = handle_arrstr(scientificname) taxonid = handle_arrint(taxonid) args = { "scientificname": scientificname, "taxonid": taxonid, "datasetid": datasetid, "nodeid": nodeid, "startdate": startdate, "enddate": enddate, "startdepth": startdepth, "enddepth": enddepth, "geometry": geometry, "redlist": redlist, "hab": hab, "wrims": wrims, "event": event, "flags": flags, "exclude": exclude, } if not geojson: url += "/kml" return OccResponse( url, {**args, **kwargs}, isSearch=False, hasMapper=False, isKML=True, ) return OccResponse( url, {**args, **kwargs}, isSearch=False, hasMapper=False, isKML=False, )
[docs] def getpoints( scientificname=None, taxonid=None, datasetid=None, nodeid=None, startdate=None, enddate=None, startdepth=None, enddepth=None, geometry=None, redlist=None, hab=None, wrims=None, event=None, flags=None, exclude=None, **kwargs, ): """ Fetch point occurrences as GeoJSON (aggregated to Geohash precision 8). :param scientificname: [string] Scientific name. Leave empty to include all taxa. :param taxonid: [string] Taxon AphiaID. :param datasetid: [string] Dataset UUID. :param nodeid: [string] Node UUID. :param startdate: [string] Start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. :param enddate: [string] End date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. :param startdepth: [integer] Start depth, in meters. Depth below sea level are treated as positive numbers. :param enddepth: [integer] End depth, in meters. Depth below sea level are treated as positive numbers. :param geometry: [string] Geometry, formatted as WKT or GeoHash. :param redlist: [boolean] Red List species only, True/False. :param hab: [boolean] HAB species only, true/false. :param wrims: [boolean] WRiMS species only, True/False. :param event: [string] Include pure event records (include) or get pure0 event records exclusively (true). :param flags: [string] Comma separated list of quality flags which need to be set. :param exclude: [string] Comma separated list of quality flags to be excluded. :return: A dictionary Usage:: from pyobis import occurrences occurrences.getpoints(scientificname = 'Mola mola') ## Many names occurrences.getpoints(scientificname = ['Mola mola','Abra alba']) """ url = obis_baseurl + "occurrence/points" scientificname = handle_arrstr(scientificname) taxonid = handle_arrint(taxonid) args = { "scientificname": scientificname, "taxonid": taxonid, "datasetid": datasetid, "nodeid": nodeid, "startdate": startdate, "enddate": enddate, "startdepth": startdepth, "enddepth": enddepth, "geometry": geometry, "redlist": redlist, "hab": hab, "wrims": wrims, "event": event, "flags": flags, "exclude": exclude, } return OccResponse( url, {**args, **kwargs}, isSearch=False, hasMapper=False, isKML=False, )
[docs] def point( x, y, z=None, scientificname=None, taxonid=None, datasetid=None, nodeid=None, startdate=None, enddate=None, startdepth=None, enddepth=None, geometry=None, redlist=None, hab=None, wrims=None, event=None, flags=None, exclude=None, **kwargs, ): """ Fetch point occurrences for a location (with Geohash precision 8 or variable Geohash precision) as GeoJSON. :param x: [float] latitudes of a location :param y: [float] longitude of a location :param z: [float] vertical datum (geodatic datum WGS84) :param scientificname: [string] Scientific name. Leave empty to include all taxa. :param taxonid: [string] Taxon AphiaID. :param datasetid: [string] Dataset UUID. :param nodeid: [string] Node UUID. :param startdate: [string] Start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. :param enddate: [string] End date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. :param startdepth: [integer] Start depth, in meters. Depth below sea level are treated as positive numbers. :param enddepth: [integer] End depth, in meters. Depth below sea level are treated as positive numbers. :param geometry: [string] Geometry, formatted as WKT or GeoHash. :param redlist: [boolean] Red List species only, True/False. :param hab: [boolean] HAB species only, true/false. :param wrims: [boolean] WRiMS species only, True/False. :param event: [string] Include pure event records (include) or get pure event records exclusively (true). :param flags: [string] Comma separated list of quality flags which need to be set. :param exclude: [string] Comma separated list of quality flags to be excluded. :return: A dictionary Usage:: from pyobis import occurrences occurrences.point(x=1.77,y=54.22,scientificname = 'Mola mola') """ z = str(z) if z else "" url = obis_baseurl + f"occurrence/point/{str(x)}/{str(y)}/{z}" scientificname = handle_arrstr(scientificname) taxonid = handle_arrint(taxonid) args = { "scientificname": scientificname, "taxonid": taxonid, "datasetid": datasetid, "nodeid": nodeid, "startdate": startdate, "enddate": enddate, "startdepth": startdepth, "enddepth": enddepth, "geometry": geometry, "redlist": redlist, "hab": hab, "wrims": wrims, "event": event, "flags": flags, "exclude": exclude, } return OccResponse( url, {**args, **kwargs}, isSearch=False, hasMapper=False, isKML=False, )
[docs] def tile( x, y, z, mvt=0, scientificname=None, taxonid=None, datasetid=None, nodeid=None, startdate=None, enddate=None, startdepth=None, enddepth=None, geometry=None, redlist=None, hab=None, wrims=None, event=None, flags=None, exclude=None, **kwargs, ): """ Fetch point occurrences for a tile (aggregated using variable Geohash precision based on zoom level) as GeoJSON or MVT. :param x: [float] latitudes of a location :param y: [float] longitude of a location :param z: [float] vertical datum (geodatic datum WGS84) :param scientificname: [string] Scientific name. Leave empty to include all taxa. :param taxonid: [string] Taxon AphiaID. :param datasetid: [string] Dataset UUID. :param nodeid: [string] Node UUID. :param startdate: [string] Start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. :param enddate: [string] End date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. :param startdepth: [integer] Start depth, in meters. Depth below sea level are treated as positive numbers. :param enddepth: [integer] End depth, in meters. Depth below sea level are treated as positive numbers. :param geometry: [string] Geometry, formatted as WKT or GeoHash. :param redlist: [boolean] Red List species only, True/False. :param hab: [boolean] HAB species only, true/false. :param wrims: [boolean] WRiMS species only, True/False. :param event: [string] Include pure event records (include) or get pure event records exclusively (true). :param flags: [string] Comma separated list of quality flags which need to be set. :param exclude: [string] Comma separated list of quality flags to be excluded. :return: A dictionary Usage:: from pyobis import occurrences occurrences.tile(x=1.77,y=52.26,z=0.5,mvt=0, scientificname = 'Mola mola') occurrences.tile(x=1.77,y=52.26,z=0.5,mvt=1, scientificname = 'Mola mola') """ url = obis_baseurl + f"occurrence/tile/{str(x)}/{str(y)}/{str(z)}" scientificname = handle_arrstr(scientificname) taxonid = handle_arrint(taxonid) args = { "scientificname": scientificname, "taxonid": taxonid, "datasetid": datasetid, "nodeid": nodeid, "startdate": startdate, "enddate": enddate, "startdepth": startdepth, "enddepth": enddepth, "geometry": geometry, "redlist": redlist, "hab": hab, "wrims": wrims, "event": event, "flags": flags, "exclude": exclude, } if mvt: url += ".mvt" return OccResponse( url, {**args, **kwargs}, isSearch=False, hasMapper=False, isKML=True, ) return OccResponse( url, {**args, **kwargs}, isSearch=False, hasMapper=False, isKML=False, )
[docs] def centroid( scientificname=None, taxonid=None, datasetid=None, nodeid=None, startdate=None, enddate=None, startdepth=None, enddepth=None, geometry=None, redlist=None, hab=None, wrims=None, event=None, flags=None, exclude=None, **kwargs, ): """ Determine the centroid for a selection of occurrence records. :param scientificname: [string] Scientific name. Leave empty to include all taxa. :param taxonid: [string] Taxon AphiaID. :param datasetid: [string] Dataset UUID. :param nodeid: [string] Node UUID. :param startdate: [string] Start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. :param enddate: [string] End date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. :param startdepth: [integer] Start depth, in meters. Depth below sea level are treated as positive numbers. :param enddepth: [integer] End depth, in meters. Depth below sea level are treated as positive numbers. :param geometry: [string] Geometry, formatted as WKT or GeoHash. :param redlist: [boolean] Red List species only, True/False. :param hab: [boolean] HAB species only, true/false. :param wrims: [boolean] WRiMS species only, True/False. :param event: [string] Include pure event records (include) or get pure event records exclusively (true). :param flags: [string] Comma separated list of required quality flags. :param exclude: [string] Comma separated list of quality flags to be excluded. :return: A dictionary Usage:: from pyobis import occurrences occurrences.centroid(scientificname = 'Mola mola') """ url = obis_baseurl + "occurrence/centroid" scientificname = handle_arrstr(scientificname) taxonid = handle_arrint(taxonid) args = { "scientificname": scientificname, "taxonid": taxonid, "datasetid": datasetid, "nodeid": nodeid, "startdate": startdate, "enddate": enddate, "startdepth": startdepth, "enddepth": enddepth, "geometry": geometry, "redlist": redlist, "hab": hab, "wrims": wrims, "event": event, "flags": flags, "exclude": exclude, } return OccResponse( url, {**args, **kwargs}, isSearch=False, hasMapper=False, isKML=False, )
[docs] def lookup_taxon(scientificname): """ Lookup for taxon metadata with scientificname :param scientificname: [String] Scientific Name :return: A dictionary of taxon metadata for the best matches to the input Usage:: from pyobis import occurrences lookup_data = occurrences.lookup_taxon(scientificname="Mola mola") print(lookup_data) """ res = requests.get(f"{scientificname}") return res.json()