occurrences module
- class pyobis.occurrences.OccResponse(url, args, isSearch, hasMapper, isKML)[source]
An OBIS Occurrence response class
from pyobis import occurrences
query = occurrences.search(scientificname="Mola mola")
query.data # Returns the data
query.api_url # Returns the OBIS API URL
query.mapper_url # Returns the OBIS Mapper URL
data = occurrences.search(scientificname="Mola mola", size=10).execute()
geometry="POLYGON((30.1 10.1, 10 20, 20 40, 40 40, 30.1 10.1))", size=20
- pyobis.occurrences.search(scientificname=None, taxonid=None, nodeid=None, datasetid=None, startdate=None, enddate=None, startdepth=None, enddepth=None, geometry=None, year=None, flags=None, fields=None, size=None, offset=0, mof=False, hasextensions=None, **kwargs)[source]
Search OBIS occurrences
- Parameters:
taxonid – [Fixnum] An OBIS occurrence identifier
scientificname – [String,Array] One or more scientific names from the OBIS backbone. All included and synonym taxa are included in the search.
year – Removed in v3 API. [Fixnum] The 4 digit year. A year of 98 will be interpreted as AD 98. Supports range queries, smaller,larger (e.g., ‘1990,1991’, whereas ‘1991,1990’ wouldn’t work)
geometry – [String] Well Known Text (WKT). A WKT shape written as either POINT, LINESTRING, LINEARRING or POLYGON. Example of a polygon: ((30.1 10.1, 10 20, 20 40, 40 40, 30.1 10.1)) would be queried as https://api.obis.org/v3/occurrence?geometry=POLYGON%28%2830.1+10.1%2C+10+20%2C+20+40%2C+40+40%2C+30.1+10.1%29%29
nodeid – [String] Node UUID
taxonid – Prev. aphiaid [Fixnum] An Aphia id. This is listed as the worms_id in taxa/taxon results
datasetid – Prev. resourceid [Fixnum] A resource id
startdate – [Fixnum] Start date, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD
enddate – [Boolean] End date, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD
startdepth – [Fixnum] Start depth, in meters. Depth below sea level are treated as positive numbers.
enddepth – [Boolean] End depth, in meters. Depth below sea level are treated as positive numbers.
flags – Prev. qc [String] Quality control flags
fields – [String] Comma seperated list of field names. Leave blank to include all. For fetching records more than 10k, must specify ‘id’ explicitly too.
size – [Fixnum] Number of results to return. Default: All records
offset – [Fixnum] Start at record. Default: 0
mof – [Boolean] Include MeasurementOrFact records, true/false. Default: 0
hasextensions – [String] Extensions that need to be present (e.g. MeasurementOrFact, DNADerivedData).
- Returns:
A dictionary
from pyobis import occurrences occurrences.search(scientificname = 'Mola mola').execute() # Many names occurrences.search(scientificname = ['Mola', 'Abra', 'Lanice', 'Pectinaria']).execute() # Use paging parameters (limit and start) to page. # Note the different results for the two queries below. occ.search(scientificname = 'Mola mola', offset=0, size=10) occ.search(scientificname = 'Mola mola', offset=10, size=10) # Search on a bounding box ## in well known text format occurrences.search( geometry='POLYGON((30.1 10.1, 10 20, 20 40, 40 40, 30.1 10.1))', size=20 ).execute() from pyobis import taxa res = taxa.search(scientificname='Mola mola').execute()['results'][0] occurrences.search( obisid=res['id'], geometry='POLYGON((30.1 10.1, 10 20, 20 40, 40 40, 30.1 10.1))', size=20 ).execute() occurrences.search( aphiaid=res['worms_id'], geometry='POLYGON((30.1 10.1, 10 20, 20 40, 40 40, 30.1 10.1))', size=20 ).execute() # Get mof response as a pandas dataframe occurrences.search( scientificname="Abra", mof=True, hasextensions="MeasurementOrFact", size=100 ).execute()
- pyobis.occurrences.get(id, **kwargs)[source]
Get an OBIS occurrence
- Parameters:
id – [Fixnum] An obis occurrence identifier. It is returned in the ‘id’ field with occurrences.search().
- Returns:
A dictionary
from pyobis import occurrences q1 = occurrences.get(id = '00003cf7-f2fc-4c53-98a6-7d846e70f5d1') q1.execute() q1.data # get the data q1.api_url # get the API url
- pyobis.occurrences.grid(precision, geojson=True, scientificname=None, taxonid=None, datasetid=None, nodeid=None, startdate=None, enddate=None, startdepth=None, enddepth=None, geometry=None, redlist=None, hab=None, wrims=None, event=None, flags=None, exclude=None, **kwargs)[source]
Fetch gridded occurrences as GeoJSON or KML.
- Parameters:
precision – [integer] Geohash precision.
scientificname – [string] Scientific name. Leave empty to include all taxa.
taxonid – [string] Taxon AphiaID.
datasetid – [string] Dataset UUID.
nodeid – [string] Node UUID.
startdate – [string] Start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.
enddate – [string] End date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.
startdepth – [integer] Start depth, in meters. Depth below sea level are treated as positive numbers.
enddepth – [integer] End depth, in meters. Depth below sea level are treated as positive numbers.
geometry – [string] Geometry, formatted as WKT or GeoHash.
redlist – [boolean] Red List species only, True/False.
hab – [boolean] HAB species only, true/false.
wrims – [boolean] WRiMS species only, True/False.
event – [string] Include pure event records (include) or get pure event records exclusively (true).
flags – [string] Comma separated list of required quality flags.
exclude – [string] Comma separated list of quality flags to be excluded.
- Returns:
A dictionary
from pyobis import occurrences occurrences.grid(100, True) // returns in GeoJSON format occurrences.grid(1000, False) // returns in KML format
- pyobis.occurrences.getpoints(scientificname=None, taxonid=None, datasetid=None, nodeid=None, startdate=None, enddate=None, startdepth=None, enddepth=None, geometry=None, redlist=None, hab=None, wrims=None, event=None, flags=None, exclude=None, **kwargs)[source]
Fetch point occurrences as GeoJSON (aggregated to Geohash precision 8).
- Parameters:
scientificname – [string] Scientific name. Leave empty to include all taxa.
taxonid – [string] Taxon AphiaID.
datasetid – [string] Dataset UUID.
nodeid – [string] Node UUID.
startdate – [string] Start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.
enddate – [string] End date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.
startdepth – [integer] Start depth, in meters. Depth below sea level are treated as positive numbers.
enddepth – [integer] End depth, in meters. Depth below sea level are treated as positive numbers.
geometry – [string] Geometry, formatted as WKT or GeoHash.
redlist – [boolean] Red List species only, True/False.
hab – [boolean] HAB species only, true/false.
wrims – [boolean] WRiMS species only, True/False.
event – [string] Include pure event records (include) or get pure0 event records exclusively (true).
flags – [string] Comma separated list of quality flags which need to be set.
exclude – [string] Comma separated list of quality flags to be excluded.
- Returns:
A dictionary
from pyobis import occurrences occurrences.getpoints(scientificname = 'Mola mola') ## Many names occurrences.getpoints(scientificname = ['Mola mola','Abra alba'])
- pyobis.occurrences.point(x, y, z=None, scientificname=None, taxonid=None, datasetid=None, nodeid=None, startdate=None, enddate=None, startdepth=None, enddepth=None, geometry=None, redlist=None, hab=None, wrims=None, event=None, flags=None, exclude=None, **kwargs)[source]
Fetch point occurrences for a location (with Geohash precision 8 or variable Geohash precision) as GeoJSON.
- Parameters:
x – [float] latitudes of a location
y – [float] longitude of a location
z – [float] vertical datum (geodatic datum WGS84)
scientificname – [string] Scientific name. Leave empty to include all taxa.
taxonid – [string] Taxon AphiaID.
datasetid – [string] Dataset UUID.
nodeid – [string] Node UUID.
startdate – [string] Start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.
enddate – [string] End date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.
startdepth – [integer] Start depth, in meters. Depth below sea level are treated as positive numbers.
enddepth – [integer] End depth, in meters. Depth below sea level are treated as positive numbers.
geometry – [string] Geometry, formatted as WKT or GeoHash.
redlist – [boolean] Red List species only, True/False.
hab – [boolean] HAB species only, true/false.
wrims – [boolean] WRiMS species only, True/False.
event – [string] Include pure event records (include) or get pure event records exclusively (true).
flags – [string] Comma separated list of quality flags which need to be set.
exclude – [string] Comma separated list of quality flags to be excluded.
- Returns:
A dictionary
from pyobis import occurrences occurrences.point(x=1.77,y=54.22,scientificname = 'Mola mola')
- pyobis.occurrences.tile(x, y, z, mvt=0, scientificname=None, taxonid=None, datasetid=None, nodeid=None, startdate=None, enddate=None, startdepth=None, enddepth=None, geometry=None, redlist=None, hab=None, wrims=None, event=None, flags=None, exclude=None, **kwargs)[source]
Fetch point occurrences for a tile (aggregated using variable Geohash precision based on zoom level) as GeoJSON or MVT.
- Parameters:
x – [float] latitudes of a location
y – [float] longitude of a location
z – [float] vertical datum (geodatic datum WGS84)
scientificname – [string] Scientific name. Leave empty to include all taxa.
taxonid – [string] Taxon AphiaID.
datasetid – [string] Dataset UUID.
nodeid – [string] Node UUID.
startdate – [string] Start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.
enddate – [string] End date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.
startdepth – [integer] Start depth, in meters. Depth below sea level are treated as positive numbers.
enddepth – [integer] End depth, in meters. Depth below sea level are treated as positive numbers.
geometry – [string] Geometry, formatted as WKT or GeoHash.
redlist – [boolean] Red List species only, True/False.
hab – [boolean] HAB species only, true/false.
wrims – [boolean] WRiMS species only, True/False.
event – [string] Include pure event records (include) or get pure event records exclusively (true).
flags – [string] Comma separated list of quality flags which need to be set.
exclude – [string] Comma separated list of quality flags to be excluded.
- Returns:
A dictionary
from pyobis import occurrences occurrences.tile(x=1.77,y=52.26,z=0.5,mvt=0, scientificname = 'Mola mola') occurrences.tile(x=1.77,y=52.26,z=0.5,mvt=1, scientificname = 'Mola mola')
- pyobis.occurrences.centroid(scientificname=None, taxonid=None, datasetid=None, nodeid=None, startdate=None, enddate=None, startdepth=None, enddepth=None, geometry=None, redlist=None, hab=None, wrims=None, event=None, flags=None, exclude=None, **kwargs)[source]
Determine the centroid for a selection of occurrence records.
- Parameters:
scientificname – [string] Scientific name. Leave empty to include all taxa.
taxonid – [string] Taxon AphiaID.
datasetid – [string] Dataset UUID.
nodeid – [string] Node UUID.
startdate – [string] Start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.
enddate – [string] End date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.
startdepth – [integer] Start depth, in meters. Depth below sea level are treated as positive numbers.
enddepth – [integer] End depth, in meters. Depth below sea level are treated as positive numbers.
geometry – [string] Geometry, formatted as WKT or GeoHash.
redlist – [boolean] Red List species only, True/False.
hab – [boolean] HAB species only, true/false.
wrims – [boolean] WRiMS species only, True/False.
event – [string] Include pure event records (include) or get pure event records exclusively (true).
flags – [string] Comma separated list of required quality flags.
exclude – [string] Comma separated list of quality flags to be excluded.
- Returns:
A dictionary
from pyobis import occurrences occurrences.centroid(scientificname = 'Mola mola')
- pyobis.occurrences.lookup_taxon(scientificname)[source]
Lookup for taxon metadata with scientificname
- Parameters:
scientificname – [String] Scientific Name
- Returns:
A dictionary of taxon metadata for the best matches to the input
from pyobis import occurrences lookup_data = occurrences.lookup_taxon(scientificname="Mola mola") print(lookup_data)